Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Friday, February 18, 2011

Finally...a Happy Birthday

Clark ate some of the icing off the front of the cake before I could snap a picture. :-)
 Today (10 days after his real birthday) marks the completion of Clark's fourth birthday.  It's been quite an saga of illnesses and exciting twists in this story.

  I canceled his party the first time so that we could spend time with family that surprised us with a short visit.  On that birthday, Clark got his Diego cake and his first Happy Meal thanks to Aunt Diane. :-)  We had to take Joel to the doctor during their visit for an ear infection.  And Clark woke up that Sunday morning with everyone here with a fever.

We have been plagued with illnesses ever since.  A few days later, Clark came down with an ear infection on his real birthday that landed him his first ever antibiotics!  He was miserable that week, so we didn't even tell him it was his birthday.

So today, we had a birthday play date with his good buddies.  We had lunch, cupcakes, and got to play outside together.

I'm sure we set the expectations high with extending his birthday two weeks.  Hopefully he'll forget that detail to his fourth birthday and just remember the highlights.

He requested strawberry cake and green frosting, so Mom obliged.

The boys playing with the new toys

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday, Clark!


It's official.  My silly, tall, thin, imaginative joker is FOUR today!!!! 
It almost breaks my heart to think how fast these four years have gone.  Just "yesterday" he was a baby.
Now he's a big brother and has chores.  Next he'll be driving a car.  EEEEKKKK!!!

Clark is an amazing boy.  His sweet tender heart makes mine melt.   He's the kind of kid who says hello to everyone and makes small talk with all.  He looks people in the eye and introduces his family just like a big person.  He makes everyone feel welcome in our home by his hospitality.  At church one day, he offered his chair to a late comer who didn't have a seat.  What a sweetie pie!!!

He is a peacemaker.  He is constantly seeking peace and justice.  When Michael and I get into a debate, Clark is the first to remind us to be nice to one another.  He is always seeking mediation between friends fighting over toys.   He has taken on the role of big brother/protector already. 

When we named him, I had a vision in my heart of a boy/man who would make the world a better place by helping others and standing up for justice just like Clark Kent.   In his short four years, he has already made this world more friendly, colorful, and peaceful. 

So happy birthday to my little Super Man.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Taking It Easy

No, I'm not singing an Eagles song, I'm under doctor's orders to "take it easy".  I have 8 weeks to go to my due date.  And I don't think I'll make it that far.  I don't know how to take it easy, rest, or be still, so the next two months are going to be hard on me.  I've taken up knitting to keep me busy.    My amazing, awesome husband has been taking up my slack by cooking, cleaning, and house chores just to get me off my feet. He's even been doing my "honey do" list items.  This weekend he built me a garden box and shoveled dirt into it for my spring veggie garden.  I love how Michael includes our sons into everything he does.  He pulled out the kiddie shovels and taught them how to shovel dirt.  He also allowed them to practice hammering while building the box.  And of course they loved every second of helping Daddy.

I often wonder, "Did I marry Superman?"  He's a super man and dad, and I can't believe how blessed I am to have him.

Here's a funny picture of our boys wearing their safety goggles and their backpacks as they play with trains. It cracked me up how funny they looked.