Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Monday, January 18, 2010

Striving to find Joy in the ups and downs of late

Here's a few updates on our lives.  We'll start with the downs as of late.  Then we'll end on the sweet notes. 

I had a miscarriage last week.  I was early along and had a feeling it was going to happen.  But it was still an emotional roller coaster to be on for sure.  The doctor says I'm okay and everything is fine.  I rest in knowing that my loving Father is in COMPLETE CONTROL.  These are the flowers that sweet friends sent me during the miscarriage. I'm not much into flowers but holding these flowers in my hands really helped me grieve.  Thanks to all my dear friends for loving me with Christ's love and supporting me during this time.

We have survived a killer stomach virus also this week. Clark got sick Friday right before our first date night with a sitter.  That was a bummer.   I was attacked and taken down Sunday.  I am so thrilled to be able to move around after 24 hours of being in bed.

Okay now for the ups.....
We have enjoyed the warmer weather today.  And the boys are really enjoying each other.  They love each other so much and enjoy playing together.  Clark enjoys pushing Joel around in the car, and Joel enjoys the rush of slamming into the wall and other unlucky objects.  I guess this is a precursor to when the boys turn 16.

I decided to make gingerbread houses a January thing since December gets all the fun Christmas stuff (and the kits are on clearance right now).  So we made a gingerbread house today and read Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett.  Clark's favorite part: licking the icing.  I caught him licking the roof.  He also ate more candy than he put on the house.  Needless to say he had a lot of fun.  And so did I.

Life is going to have ups and downs.  And I am really working hard to remember what Jean Stockdale is teaching us in my Bible study, Joy in the Journey.  I have been telling myself constantly that nothing is going to steal my joy in Christ.  Nothing compares to the awesome gift of salvation and the cross.  I confess, I loose sight of this too often (this morning on the phone, sorry Amanda), but I pray as we are on life's ups and downs we will be overcome with joy.
 "These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full." John 15:11


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss, Jenna. I can only imagine as I've never gone through that, but you are turning to the right Source for comfort. I'm glad to hear you are getting over the stomach thing. What a relief to have Michael work from home when those things hit. We've had something going around here too. Both kids had something go through them since we've been home from Christmas and over the weekend, Wyatt had another virus with a really high fever. I am ready for spring and the end of cold season, aren't you? Btw, you look great in the last pic with Clark.

  2. Jenna, I am so sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you.

  3. Jenna, I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious little one. Hopefully sometime the boys will understand that they have a baby brother or sister in Heaven that they will meet someday. For now, we'll pray for healing for you.

