Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentine's Day Celebration, Crafts, and Ideas

I officially LOVE Valentine's Day.  We have been busy celebrating and preparing for the special day by making gifts and cards.

For Michael, I took some sweet pictures of the boys and put a cute heart border on them.  Check out the picture below.  I took this idea from MOPS and converted it into a V-day gift for Michael.  It's five envelopes stuffed with sweet letters and lists.  The categories: Why I love you, thank yous, my favorite memories of us, a poem, and a present on paper are my categories.  (Thanks Sara for giving my the Heart Attack idea.)

Here's Daddy's secret V-day gift from the boys.  (This one is actually Winston's, the boy I watch.)

Clark decorated a mailbox with heart stickers.  During the day, we check the love box for special treats, notes, and snacks.

For the big day, I'm making a heart shaped pizza and heart shaped cookies.

For Michael's present, I have secretly arranged a sitter for a surprise date night.  We are going to try out the Big Six Date experiment that I learned about from First Things First.  It's six dates planned with fun and crazy questions to discuss and optional activities that are CHEAP.  The first one is go out to eat, discuss the questions, take a pic of yourself and your sweetie on your camera phone, and then go to a store with $2 each to buy something for the other person.  Fun!! 
 Here's the website, if you are interested too.  I'll definitely blog about it later.  http://firstthings.org/page/newsletter/great-datexperiment

All of this is TOP SECRET until Valentine's Day.  I just couldn't help but want to share and inspire.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, thanks for the great ideas! I may have to steal a few :) Especially the date experiment - that looks like fun!
